Abrico (Apricot) Flower Remedy
Abrico (Apricot) Flower Remedy
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Abricó (Mimusops elengi) Apricot

It works on mental deficiency, reconnecting the energy channels at the mental level. This flower essence is recommended for those who have difficulty in achieving and carrying out their tasks. People who are slow to act have difficulty in carrying out command tasks in the classroom, at work, etc. They have hearing difficulties, and the sound reaches their ears confused (dirty). Recommended for children or adults who cannot keep up with the pace of the school class, social group or family group. These people are aware of their difficulties and limitations, and feel apart from their social groups. This flower essence is recommended for those who feel disconnected in some aspect of their lives, and are unable to coordinate their tasks and obligations. This flower essence helps to reestablish this connection with the soul, so that, from there, they can continue to develop their deepest purposes. It activates brain activity.