Anis (Ocimum L.)
This flower essence works on the fear of surrendering to the deepest dictates, due to immaturity. This fear blocks the full development of one's potential for achievement. People who do not surrender do not let go and live their lives to the fullest. It is a tranquilizing flower, calming nervous excitement, combating insomnia, and an excellent tonic for our bodies: emotional, mental, etheric, and physical. It strengthens the nerves, invigorates the mind and memory, and facilitates intellectual work. In home medicine, this shrub is used to combat intestinal gas, combat chronic catarrh: of the stomach, intestines, and mammary glands; useful in asthma and bronchitis. It combats abdominal pain, soothes colic in adults and children, menstrual cramps, and certain headaches. It is used when breastfeeding mothers are unable to produce milk. It combats fever and scurvy. It has a beneficial effect on weak digestion and lack of appetite, and on nervous contractions of the stomach and intestines. Prevents fainting. Facilitates childbirth. Strengthens the nerves, invigorates the mind and facilitates intellectual work. Lack of memory.