Boa Sorte (Cordia verbenacea) Good Luck
Removes obstacles to prosper in the face of difficulties. This flower essence contains powerful protective energies. A floral essence that awakens cosmic prosperity. Energy that does the work of attracting the riches of the earth in tune with the Unity of the Cosmos. It comes to concretize the divine victory of the realization of Christ in our physical plane, through Divine opulence in our work. Prosper at all times. Divine energy-expression that removes obstacles, brings peace and solar comfort, divine discernment, inner calm, integrity, balance, the certainty of good deeds, purity and Divine courage, qualities-support for the reestablishment of Synchronicity with the Universe. It combats destructive energies sent by others, energies that promote misfortune, illness and even death. These perverse energies sent (through work done or thought-forms) are elementals created in rituals, not black energy. These energies initially cause the victims to feel negative, discouraged and sad, and have led many to commit insane acts against themselves, as they perceive their paths as completely blocked. It is a floral that restores and harmonizes the chakras that have been obstructed by these negative energies. In phytotherapy, this plant is used to combat rheumatoid arthritis, gout, muscle pain, back pain, prostatitis, neuralgia and inflammation in general. In folk medicine, it is used to accelerate the healing process.