Bur OAK Flower essence...Majestic OAK is The reason my husband and I actually bought Quinta Gaia as it isn’t common to find any OAK trees here in San Rafael let alone one as big as this! We measured the trunk earlier this year and it revealed that our OAK is about 175 years old! How lucky are we to be graced with her presence! Just love her!
Here are some of her main healing properties -
- enhances nurturing instincts
- enhances ‘survival’ instincts and very grounding
- instills confidence in mothers/parents to ‘stand in their Power’
- assists you to feel part of a community and supported at all times
- reminds one of our ‘inter-connectedness’ ... We are All One
- assists with ‘communication’ and feeling/being ‘connected’
- helpful to achieve projects/goals
Also, our Argentine OAK flower essence naturally holds the same healing properties as all OAKS do such as -
- helps one know their limits and take time out to relax/rest
- when highly strung will help ground your energies and recharge
- assists one to indulge in self-care
- helps You to ‘let go’