Fairy Rose Antique Rose Flower Remedy
Fairy Rose Antique Rose Flower Remedy
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Fairy Rose helps overcome inhibitions, linking the first and seventh chakras to complete the double helix energy pattern. It enables us to experience being a part of Nature in a personal, unique way, never feeling ordinary again. Fairy Rose is often indicated for those who tap Nature's healing and scientific powers.

Fairy is the most popular polyantha rose, parented from Wichuraiana caning, Multiflora China and rambler roses. The plant is 3 feet by 3 feet with pink clusters of small blooms from May - frost. Its cloud of flowers leaves a light, uplifting fragrance. The glossy green leaves are fungal resistant. It is a wonderful, showy container or hedge rose.

The climbing Fairy is a sport, reaching 15 feet tall and dramatically displaying long canes of beautiful, tiny pink roses. 

                                    "My blooms set free the magic in me".

Testimonial: "I have found my mission in life while using Fairy rose," Abigail.