Beloved Lady Master Magda, Mary Magdalen. The Goddesses have arrived they come with healing for humanity and hope for the meek, strength for the weak and love for the children.
This sacred space spray was a channeled message from Mary Magdalene, it was not a planned project, this makes it extra special. The Divine Feminine energies have arrived to heal us, to strengthen our spiritual and physical hearts.
Contains Indian Hawthorn flower essence which comes in a as strong healer of the physical and spiritual heart and celestite gem essence to invite angelic energies and pink quartz brings in " Sparkles of light to seal you bright". This essence brings forth feelings of love, love of self, fortitude.
Divine Feminine energies of the Magdalene Rose Tribe. Nurtures feelings of love and the warmth into your sacred space,
Activates Heart chakra. Seals you with a feeling of love as it holds you in support and comfort. Love of the inner child and heart healing.
This essence contains starseed essence celestite gem essence, pink quartz, Indian Hawthorn flower, magnolia essence and rose, magnolia essential oil.
And added in 2023 The Magdalene Andara essence. Making the powerful combo of Divine Feminine and Goddess energies a unique blend for all earthly Goddesses.