Beloved Kuan Yin, Mother of the World, is inspired for Mother's Day as we celebrate all the mothers around the world in this month of May. The goddesses have arrived; they come with healing for humanity, hope for the meek, strength for the weak, and love for the children. This sacred space spray was a channeled message from Kuan Yin; it was not a planned project, which makes it extra special. As we receive the frequencies of the 5/5/5 portal on earth, the divine feminine energies have arrived to heal us and strengthen our spiritual and physical hearts. It contains Indian hawthorn flower essence, which is a strong healer of the physical and spiritual heart, and celestite gem essence to enhance angelic energies.
This mist contains starseed essences: Tanzanite andara essence, Celestite gem essence, and Indian hawthorn flower essence. Essential oils: Orchid, peony, and cherry blossom
Kuan Yin mantras and channeled Andromedin pink dragon energy.