Louis Philippe, Antique Rose Essence Rosa chinensis, 1834
Louis Philippe overcomes hopelessness, feeling love has passed you by. Hopelessness can be a very damaging emotion. Long term sadness can adversely affect the integrity of the heart -felt emotions. Louis Philippe helps an emotional change of attitude that can add a feeling of warmth and security. Surrender to the warmth.
According to Peter Beales, renowned rosarian, Louis Philippe's parentage is unknown. However, the white stripe threading through the loose, semi double cupped blooms, indicates China heritage for 1 parent. The exact rose is not yet known. The growth habits are hardy, easy to grow in southern climates with deep, crimson 2inch, lightly fragrant blooms. It is remontant, a repeat bloomer, from spring through the time of frost. If winter has a brief warming spell, it blooms again. The rose is disease resistant and drought tolerant. It grows wild in the Southern U.S., often found unattended in old cemeteries, a popular rose in the 1940s- 1960. As an original China rose, it probably grew wild in the warmer areas of China also.
It was a gift to Lorenzo Zavala, Texas minister to France in the 1830s. Planted in a Lynchburg Garden, near Houston, Texas, it became known in Texas as the Cracker rose. It was a favorite, soon growing in many gardens, used in southern recipes for rose petal sugar coated flowers at weddings, and an ingredient in rose syrup.
Louis Philippe is similar to Cramoisi Superieur rose, also introduced from France, and sometimes the 2 are confused. Louis Philippe has more variation in coloring of its blooms and is more angular in growth, usually 4 feet tall and 6 feet across.
"I surrender to the Love within."
Testimonial: " I feel the warmth and security this essence offers and enjoy wearing it." Gloria
Testimonial:" I used Louis Philippe when I felt hopeless in any situation. It has been a great helper in changing my attitude and my life", Jeanine.
Testimonial: " I do feel more inner security and a safe feeling wearing Louis Philippe.", George.
"When I'm ready to give up, Louis Phillipe keeps me going," Judy.
Good Manufacturing Practices.
Petite Fleur Essences are steam distilled and hand processed with purely organically grown flowers and herbs specially formulated to catalyze potentials and enrich the mind, body, and soul. Each is harvested, bottled, and labeled by hand.
Apply two drops to the wrist or heart area daily or as often as every fifteen minutes