It is a merciful healing floral with vibrant energies of a magnetic field, its Blue, Green Gold, Ruby and Solar Gold Rays. In the new Golden Age that manifests on Earth, the Living Flame of Light recreates a new reality. These Rays of Light are like wings bringing balance and a perfect sense of Freedom, Discernment and Wisdom. Floral that connects us with unity, with our Star family, aligning with the Golden Light of the Cosmos.”
Divine Rays
First Blue Ray, Fifth Green Ray, Sixth Ruby Golden Ray and Tenth Solar Golden RayMerciful Healing
Follow the same procedure as Leucantha: Saint Germain Daisy alone and after 10 minutes the following florals with Saint Germain Daisy: Saint Germain Daisy + Abricó + Geranium + Sapientum + Wild Arnica.
Floral who comes to work in the organization and sees the whole picture. Working insight and synthesis.
Works on learning disorders.
Dyslexia: come and work on dyslexia too. Formula = Saint Germain Daisy + Apricot + Geranium + Sapientum + Wild Arnica
Dyslexia = this disorder leads the child to low self-esteem (Aloe + Gloxinia) + the procedure above.