Melchizedek Andara holds the secrets of God, the Universe and the true history of the planet, working to establish heaven on earth. Luminescent White Andara holds the energy of an ancient cosmic being in charge of the order of Melchizedek,. This brotherhood organizes the Mystery School, which holds the secrets of God, the Universe and the true history of the planet, and is working to establish heaven on Earth. Jesus was a high priest in the Order of Melchizedek. All humans belong at some level to this order. Archangel Metatron works together with Melchizedek to teach those who are ready. Erica Rock
Melchizedek essence was made in the fall of 2021 in sunlight. This essence carries the history of the ages that lies dormant within the cellular structure of the human being.
In my minds eye the essence appeared like a milky white consistency similar to the Andaras luminescent white color, like a milky crystalline light. I could sense the spirals of light within my inner core, bands of white and gold flowing through me like waves.
Instills a feeling of love, knowing and conscious participation within the Mystery School of beloved Melchizedek and Archangel Metatron.
Yin/Yang; complete alchemical unification of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine within the being Tai Chi for the cells, the dance the melody of the ages.
Direct connection to God/Elohim/El Shaddai
Mantra: Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh Adonai Tsabaoth
" When ye are ready, yes shall make the call to me, Melchizedek, and we shall welcome you to the Mystery School" Many souls are unable to tap into the source of God dormant within the DNA. The being shall sense a shift within the memory body and core of being" - Melchizedek
This essence is great to combine with Cosmic Key andara essence its a powerful combination for advanced starseeds and healers and lightworkers .
Monatomic Andara Crystals are a soul enhancing, high vibrational healing tool that works on all levels; physical, emotional, and spiritual. The process creates a unique healing experience, individual for each person, assisting him or her in releasing unwanted energies while moving toward their next evolution of truth, and back to original divine consciousness.
Since Andara crystals were first discovered, many people working with them have experienced major shifts in their lives. Richard B., a medical intuitive, in Vancouver, WA, writes, “…the individual using the Andara crystal is able to raise their own vibration to match, receive, and mediate the higher frequencies. Meditating with Andaras, using gem elixirs made from them, carrying them, and working with them in other ways will help us to attune to them and increase our ability to use them as tools for healing and the science of exploring our consciousness…”