Mimosinha (Polygala paniculata)
This flower essence helps to combat shyness. It brings strength and comfort to face any situation. It helps to combat shyness in those who are afraid of exposing themselves in any situation, for example: speaking in front of many people. It is for people who have work to do and tasks to carry out, but do not have the courage to express their points of view, which would be very beneficial to the group. This flower essence is useful for those who in certain situations go blank and feel mentally paralyzed. In general, these situations can cause trismus, due to a lot of tension in the jaw region. Tendonitis or joint pain can arise as crystallizations of this blocked mental and emotional situation, making it difficult to articulate your mind naturally. The energy of this flower essence brings peace, which is perennial. This plant is widely used in home medicine for knee conditions: water on the knee, tendonitis, etc. Joint conditions: severe pain, inflammation, arthritis, osteoarthritis, trismus.