Palo Santo means " Holy wood" in Spanish. It is extremely powerful for psychic protection an essential tool for anybody evolved in any type of soul work.
This mist is made with Palo Santo essential oil and our own Shungite essence and black tourmaline essence. Creating a barrier to protect us from negative energy that may surround us in buildings or crowed spaces such as funeral homes, hospitals, hospice and prisons. Provides protections in public transport where there is generally a mixture of different energies.
Ecuadorian plant shamans say that the spirits of the sacred Palo Santo trees transmute the energy of the dead wood into the healing oil, which gives it its powerful protective properties. it has been revealed that the Incas used this powerful oil when establishing the Incan Empire in what is now Peru during 1438-153. Palo Santo is till widely used for shamanic practices. It is revered for banishing bad energy in addition to removing demons and negative influences from people and things.
It is associated with the sun and Palo Santo also represents dragon energy, which holds the combination of dark and light , yin/yang.
it is known as a spiritual disinfectant. you can mist through our aura when you fell you have been exposed to negative influences.
It is an invaluable tool for healers and light workers. This combo mist created a shield to protect the light of your aura to prevent depletion and / or invasion
of your personal space. it is a healer of psychic wounds or and repairs holes in the aura. Palo Santo mist anchors and grounds us as well and enhances prayer, ritual or any other energy work.
Shungite essence - activation of all 7 main chakras. It’s used to detoxify the body and rid the mind of negativity while contributing as an aura cleanser. Shungite is a must-have for people with difficult and uncontrollable emotions. It allows for light to fill the body and negativity to be removed.
Black Tourmaline essence shields and removes negative energy that does not belong to us and creates a protective barrier for the aura.
This mist is made with Palo Santo essential oil and our own Shungite essence and black tourmaline essence. Creating a barrier to protect us from negative energy that may surround us in buildings or crowed spaces such as funeral homes, hospitals, hospice and prisons. Provides protections in public transport where there is generally a mixture of different energies.
Ecuadorian plant shamans say that the spirits of the sacred Palo Santo trees transmute the energy of the dead wood into the healing oil, which gives it its powerful protective properties. it has been revealed that the Incas used this powerful oil when establishing the Incan Empire in what is now Peru during 1438-153. Palo Santo is till widely used for shamanic practices. It is revered for banishing bad energy in addition to removing demons and negative influences from people and things.
It is associated with the sun and Palo Santo also represents dragon energy, which holds the combination of dark and light , yin/yang.
it is known as a spiritual disinfectant. you can mist through our aura when you fell you have been exposed to negative influences.
It is an invaluable tool for healers and light workers. This combo mist created a shield to protect the light of your aura to prevent depletion and / or invasion
of your personal space. it is a healer of psychic wounds or and repairs holes in the aura. Palo Santo mist anchors and grounds us as well and enhances prayer, ritual or any other energy work.
Shungite essence - activation of all 7 main chakras. It’s used to detoxify the body and rid the mind of negativity while contributing as an aura cleanser. Shungite is a must-have for people with difficult and uncontrollable emotions. It allows for light to fill the body and negativity to be removed.
Black Tourmaline essence shields and removes negative energy that does not belong to us and creates a protective barrier for the aura.