Poaia Flower Remedy
Poaia Flower Remedy
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Poaia rosa (Spermacoce verticillata L.)

Seventh Violet Ray, Eighth Aquamarine Ray and Ninth Magenta Ray 

Soul Level – “As the cosmic vibration changes and accelerates towards a new stimulus, this floral essence in perfect Divine Harmony, with its Violet, Aquamarine and Magenta Rays, comes to favor a growing increase in the desire for Peace, where the definitive goal of order and full harmony on Earth is achieved, with peace within oneself, through the discernment of priority things covered in Light. Perceiving the Rays, concretizing and prioritizing the habit of constantly radiating love.”


Personality Level – The Poaia Rosa floral essence works in us on the Synchronicity of the new planetary order. Poaia Rosa works on the rhythmic alignment of our daily activities with the more accelerated energies that reach us from Above, so that we can enter the synchronic rhythm of the energetic vibration of Love and Divine Cosmic Peace. Through this cosmic synchronicity, the Poaia Rosa flower essence awakens unconditional love within us so that we can enter into synchronicity on all levels, from the Divine cosmic to the small tasks of daily life. Another gift we have received from Our Creator Father. For children, families, work, meditation, visualization, etc... With the love and Peace achieved through the help of this flower essence, everything will always be fine, because everything is right. Surrender to the great adventure in this new planetary order. The scientific name in Latin, Espermacoce – means seed (seeds of the Sixth Root Race) and verticullata – (verti) means vortex, to spin. The energy of this flower essence works on subtle levels promoting the correct positioning of the vertebrae, as well as strengthening the energy beams that run inside the spinal column, thus accelerating the power of the rotating energy flow of the chakras, so that we can access this Divine cosmic vibrational synchronicity of the Octaves of Light.