Red Mistletoe Flower Essence (Ligaria Cuneifolia’)
As we drove through the gates of Quinta Gaia a Red Comet Hummingbird was making such a noise it caught my attention as it’s unusual to find these Hummingbirds at the front of our property! I followed the ‘calling’ of the Red Comet Hummingbird and it guided me to a bunch of bright red shooting star like flowers hanging off one of the White Oleander branches! I had never seen this plant here before but sensed it was a very special one as Hummingbird was determined to show me it!
So I discovered that these beautiful bright red flowers belonged to ‘Ligaria Cuneifolia’ or better known here as ‘Liga’ which is Argentine Mistletoe! The berries are ‘dark violet’ in colour and medicinally used as a poultice for bone fractures. There are several other incredible medicinal properties to this plant such as -
- antioxidant
- anticarcinogenic
- lowers blood pressure
- assists with fertility
- lowers cholesterol
- helps with heart diseases
- anti-bacterial
- anti-tumoural especially of lungs and breasts
- antimicrobial
- antilipidemic
- antiviral
- immunomodulatory
- asthma
- epilepsy
- gastrointestinal complaints
As a flower essence our Argentine Red Mistletoe has beautiful healing properties -
- helps one say ‘no’
- strengthens the ‘will’ to live
- helps one feel ‘hope’ when feeling lost and apprehensive
- assists with all emotions associated with depression
- when feeling ‘lonely’ even when you might be surrounded by people
- helps to ‘calm’ your mind and make ‘right’ decisions
- assists with all emotions related to sexual trauma
- assists with all emotions related to ‘grief’
- helpful during times of ‘transformation’, ‘transitions’ and ‘big changes’ in life
- grounding and protecting
- helps heal ‘deep buried’ hurts
- helps ground scattered thoughts, become peaceful and feel safe
- protects from psychic attacks
- helps one detach from ‘earthly’ problems
- aura cleanser/protector
This essence also holds some of the beautiful healing properties of White Oleander as the host -
- dissipates fears
- encourages one to be in a space of love
- assists with all emotions related to anxiety and depression
- brings calm and peace
- fills one with joy and hope
- surrounds one in ‘Light’ healing energies!
I’m blown away by the power packed healing energies of this essence and once again grateful to Hummingbird for showing me these gorgeous little Red Flowers to be able to co-create this flower essence!