I made this essence during a Full Moon and it was my first ‘whole fruit’ essence! At the time we didn't have the best of tomato harvests due to lack of water and I was guided to make an essence from Her fruit. The guided message was to show our love and appreciation for Her! I then found out that Tomatoes originated in South American so it felt right to honor this living in/on Tomato's land!
The sun was so hot when I made this essence the Mother Tincture was 'warm' and I could literally taste 'tomato'. RUELLA 'tomato' essence Fairy came in and told me 'TOMATO ' is like a 'Mother' -nurturing, warming, loving energy, supportive and brings one to the 'core' - 'real self' and 'constant happiness'.
TOMATO is a 'feel good essence'! Brings Your 'happy' out into the world! Stabilises Your energy system yet 'revitalises' You keeping You 'grounded' and Your 'emotions balanced'.
More healing properties are:
- gives strength and courage to attract success in life
- helps one connect with higher consciousness yet keep you grounded
- assists one to use their ‘voice’, clears throat chakra
- helps with creativity when under pressure
- comforting and stabilising of emotions
- helps to realign energy centre/core self