TURKEY VULTURE Animal Essence.
Over the years of living here in San Rafael we have had TURKEY VULTURES in our Eucalyptus trees but I was guided to make this essence when we noticed over 30 of them high up in the trees day after day! They looked so graceful catching the thermals flying over our land and I could sense how excited/happy they were I was going to make their essence! They would come and hover over my head! It felt like a ‘blessing’ at the time. Very special! I literally felt the air around me ‘change’ - tricky to describe really but it felt different. When I researched TURKEY VULTURE I was amazed to discover that they actually do ‘clean’ the air as they fly around!
Wow - loved how I picked this up!
So here are the healing properties of my Argentine TURKEY VULTURE essence:
- assists You to be ‘bold’ and make necessary ‘changes’ in Your life
- helps You ‘discern’ and see the ‘truth’ only
- wonderful ‘space clearer’ and ‘aura’ cleanser
- helps You recuperate speedily after being unwell
- holds protective energies against all types of negative energies/entities
- helps You be patient and tolerant
- assists when entering a cycle of Your life
- wonderful essence for transformation/new beginnings
- assists You to trust and be more relaxed in Your life knowing You are where You need to be!
- helps clear Your mind and make the right decisions easily.