Umbellata Flower Remedy
Umbellata Flower Remedy
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Umbellata (Pothomorphe umbellata L.)

The Umbellata flower essence brings with the Yellow of the Second Ray, the Solar Gold of the Tenth Ray, and the Peach of the Eleventh Ray, the effective manifestation that one can assume one’s personal power together with the enthusiasm that we are co-creators with God, with great action with the Goddess giving us refuge. We express our evolution understanding that God, through our Higher Self, promptly answers us if we accept the Universal Laws of manifestation, always with the feeling of capacity surrendered to the Divine Hands”.

Personality Level

It works on deep cleansing and protection. This flower essence rescues aspects of ourselves trapped in the darkness of the soul in lower levels. For people who see shadows and specters, it means that they are vibrating at very low energy frequencies. The Umbellata flower essence raises the energy vibration while awakening us, sheltering us, giving us refuge, helping us, calming us and protecting us. This flower essence is useful in desperate situations, from which there is no way out. This flower is important for those who are energetically tied to the yoke of another through their mind or beings from this or other planes, from which unfounded fears emerge, but without apparent cause. Umbellata transmutes these dense energies that imprison us in the frequency of abysmal internal levels, enlightening us through deep cleansing, by unclogging and activating mainly the basic chakra, as well as the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Useful for people who see ghosts and shadows, add it to the Umbellata + Emergency flower to close the gap in the aura. The physical and subtle bodies enter a high-power energy current, elevating us to the Light. According to belief, it is considered a “miracle plant”, Umbellata in Latin means umbrella, that which protects.