Unitatum Flower Remedy
It assists with the feeling of rejection. For those who were rejected and abandoned in childhood. It works on the inner child, who was very hurt, and as a result, a split between the masculine and feminine aspects of the personality arises. They carry a constant feeling that they are being betrayed. They are trapped in the nightmare of the state of rejection, it is a deep pain that does not allow them to perceive the reality that surrounds them in the present moment. Unitatum brings the energy of integration and the feeling of security of peaceful surrender. This energy is the very embrace of the great internal integrating mother. Useful for those who are afraid of heights. This flower cleanses the mind, emotions and body. For helpless people, disconnected from the group. It brings clarity and clarity. In home medicine, it is used for blows and physical injuries, as well as for stomach problems, heartburn and indigestion. For those who have undergone plastic surgery, who have mutilated themselves in order to be accepted.