Varus Flower Remedy
Varus Flower Remedy
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Varus (Vernonia scorpioides)

For the alignment of the spine and physical and supraphysical bodies, a consequence of physical and psychological trauma. This floral works on guilt. Blocking this energy distances us from our Higher Self. This energetic blockage at the physical level causes: back pain, muscle tension, poor blood circulation, a feeling of heaviness in the frontal region of the head, mental confusion, forgetfulness, lack of concentration (dispersion), hot head, tingling, loss of joy. It is recommended for those who have suffered a coccyx fracture. Floral essence recommended for those who live in the conflict between idealized life and daily obligations. Varus leads people to perform their daily tasks and duties naturally without destroying their dreams. It brings discernment of what is a dream to be achieved and what is reality.