White Meteorite Solar Essences
This essence was created in sunlight it stimulates communication within the gene pool of extraterrestrial advancements made with the galactic structure of mankind. The Gurudas describe it in their book " Gem Elixirs" as a mineral that helps us attune to past lives from other planets and different constellations. It releases from within the self, the sense of greater awareness and unity with extraterrestrial influences. People can learn to telepathically communicate with galactic beings on spaceships, assists in channeling higher dimensional beings and activates a pure enhancement of consciousness . Activates brow and throat chakras. Excellent tool for the Starseed advanced on the path of of unity with star family.
A little background behind how I became the keeper of this meteorite. 20 years ago I met a Cherokee Indian Shaman woman, a direct decedent of Pocahontas.
I would always visit it and admire it every time I went into the her store, she knew I was a single young mom and struggling and I could not afford it. The town ended up closing her crystal store and on the last day of business she gave it to me as a gift and she said she knew I would be a great caregiver
Take sparingly, 2 to 4 drops daily
I took 6 drops one night and was up all night channeling messages at 3 am, so make sure you take it when you have time and are ready for communication. 2 drops before bed will assist during sleep astral travel.